Who takes responsibility for the quality and the result of the construction?

Who takes responsibility for the quality and the result of the construction?

It is high time we continue introducing the team and the partners of the foundation. One of the main directions of the foundation’s activity is construction for the families of the military affected by the hostilities. However, we cannot cope with the implementation of such an idea on our own. It requires a lot of equipment, techniques and experience.

That is why we appealed for help to one of the most reliable property developers in Kirovohrad region. He has many years of experience and many successful projects behind him: it is “Bud-Control” LLC.

What about the ambitions?

The company builds facilities for the needs of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, housing sector, underground parking lots, roads - and this is only a part of all directions.
There just cannot be any doubts about the quality of construction from "Bud-Control".

We sincerely believe in the idea of the project and in your support. A repost or a donation is a sure step towards our goal!

Do you want to support our projects?

Join in supporting the activities of Foundation “Fortechnyi” for the future