The first meeting of the public council regarding the construction of housing for war victims was held in Kropyvnytskyi (photo)

The first meeting of the public council regarding the construction of housing for war victims was held in Kropyvnytskyi (photo)

On August 4, there was a meeting of representatives of the public, the «Fortechny» charitable foundation, the «Astarta Group» enterprise, the developer and other specialists who will take care of the social housing construction project. During the meeting, Mykola Kozlovskyi, head of the «Fortechny» foundation, spoke about the foundation's activities in the field of humanitarian aid, which is the main area of work now, and disclosed information about the process of building housing for war victims.

«Fortechny» charitable foundation plans to finance the construction of a six-story building with 41 apartments in Kropyvnytskyi, the owners of which will be defenders affected by the war with Russia and/or their families. Currently, there is already a plot of land for construction, an architectural plan and an approved estimate.

For the sake of transparency in the distribution of housing and discussion of social and moral and ethical aspects, a public council was involved in the work, among whose participants are military personnel, heads of volunteer organizations, public activists, employees of local self-government bodies and other community representatives. The list of members of the public council can change and be supplemented if it is necessary to involve certain specialists or representatives of the community.

At the meeting, they discussed the preliminary work plan, the creation of a corresponding section in the fund's regulations, the practical and legal form of work. An audit commission and a supervisory board have already been provided for. Also during the meeting, the «Fortechny» charitable foundation, the private enterprise «Astarta Group», LLC «BUD-CONTROL» (builder), who are the initiators and participants of the project, signed a memorandum of cooperation.





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