How did the first delivery of humanitarian aid take place?
29 August 2022, Mo
Last week, namely on Friday, the team of foundation “Fortechnyi” together with the representatives of the village council organized the handing out of food rations for the displaced people in the village of Sozonivka, Kirovohrad region.
Firstly, we are grateful to those getting involved in helping the affected, displaced people and all those who badly need it.
Secondly, we are grateful to those not staying out and helping us organize events like this.
Therefore, it was a new and successful experience for the foundation. We could gather many people, communicate with them and, hopefully, lift everybody’s mood at least a bit.
“Happiness is in little things” – these words mean MUCH. Remember: your every minor action (like, repost, any money transfer) makes somebody happier in this world!